
Flame On DVD

A True Story of Hope in the Midst of Great Personal Tragedy

How would you react when tragedy strikes? Would your faith in an all-loving God waver? Would you turn your back on the Lord? Flame On was filmed just months after the extreme loss of a loved one, and follows the Jasper family through the true heart wrenching and faith stretching question of "Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?" Watch and marvel at how a strong Christian family deals with the emotions of shock, loss and grief from a Biblical perspective.

Runtime: 40 min

© 2012
Availability: In stock
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Flame On DVD

A True Story of Hope in the Midst of Great Personal Tragedy


Flame On illustrates the struggle between the sovereignty of God and human responsibility while examining how faith in the Lord Jesus Christ can take you from the very bottom of despair to victory through tragedy. Flame On is a ''must see'' for those grieving the loss of a loved one and will leave you with the peaceful knowledge that we serve a gracious, loving God who gives us light through the dark moments of life.


"There are no words to describe how we hurt," says J.J. Jasper. "But God''s sovereignty and His character do not change. He is still a good God. We knew that intellectually and now we know it experientially."


Runtime: Approx. 40 minutes
Closed Captioning:  Yes
16 x 9 widescreen


The Jaspers have established the Flame On Cooper Jasper Memorial Fund to the Glory of God and in honor and memory of Cooper.  The fund will be used for charitable, religious or educational purposes.  For more information or to make a donation, visit:

The Flame On project has been underwritten by American Family Association, with the express intent of sharing this story with as many people as possible at the absolute lowest price. We are asking for a donation of $5.00 to cover the cost of shipping and handling. No profits were made by the production or distribution of this documentary.


Flame On earns 5 out of 5 Doves from the Dove Foundation and recommends this film for all ages.

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