
AFA Cultural Institute

The AFA Cultural Institute is a library of video resources designed to inspire families, groups and individuals to grow in a biblical understanding of the most important issues of our day.

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Picture of Cultural Institute: John Rosemond Parenting Set

Cultural Institute: John Rosemond Parenting Set

In this four DVD set, John Rosemond encourages parents with Biblical wisdom through the ages and stages of child rearing.

$35.00 $18.00
Picture of Cultural Institute: Parenting Teenagers with John Rosemond

Cultural Institute: Parenting Teenagers with John Rosemond

The teenage years are well known for being a time of difficulty and conflict between parent and child. The teenager has a new desire for the privileges of adulthood but must first learn the responsibilities of adulthood. In this video, John Rosemond describes the teenager's desire for freedom and the parents' desire for responsible behavior, and how to achieve balance in a God-honoring way.

Approximate runtime: 52 minutes


Mix and Match: Save $1.99 each when you buy 5 or more Cultural Institute DVDs.
Picture of Cultural Institute: Parenting Through Proper Discipline with John Rosemond

Cultural Institute: Parenting Through Proper Discipline with John Rosemond

Firm, consistent discipline is foundational to proper parenting, but it can be one of the hardest challenges parents will face.

Approximate runtime: 37 minutes


Mix and Match: Save $1.99 each when you buy 5 or more Cultural Institute DVDs.
Picture of Cultural Institute: Race in America with Dr. Alveda King

Cultural Institute: Race in America with Dr. Alveda King

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. dreamed of a day when all humanity would live as brothers, regardless of ethnicity. Although our nation has made great progress toward this goal, there is still more work to do.

Runtime: Approximately 45 minutes


Mix and Match: Save $1.99 each when you buy 5 or more Cultural Institute DVDs.
$6.99 $5.99
Picture of Cultural Institute: The Bible and Homosexuality Series by Dr. Robert Gagnon

Cultural Institute: The Bible and Homosexuality Series by Dr. Robert Gagnon

In this Cultural Institute teaching, Dr. Gagnon helps the listener gain a better understanding of Scripture as we seek out the Biblical stance on homosexuality.

Volume 1: approximate runtime: 95 minutes
Volume 2: approximate runtime: 101 minutes

© 2016

Volumes sold separately

© 2016

Mix and Match:Save $1.99 each when you buy 5 or more Cultural Institute DVDs.
As low as $6.99
Picture of Cultural Institute: The Biblical Case for Cultural Engagement with Abraham Hamilton III

Cultural Institute: The Biblical Case for Cultural Engagement with Abraham Hamilton III

Christians have a unique calling to be salt and light in the world. But should this be limited only to the proclamation of the gospel?

DVD; Approximate Runtime: 32 minutes

© 2018

Mix and Match: Save $1.99 each when you buy 5 or more Cultural Institute DVDs.
Picture of Cultural Institute: The Freedom of Sexual Purity with Dr. Michael Brown

Cultural Institute: The Freedom of Sexual Purity with Dr. Michael Brown

An untold number of lives have been ruined through the lies of the sexual revolution. What was promised as freedom has turned out to be a new kind of bondage.

DVD: approximate runtime: 30 minutes

© 2017

Mix and Match: Save $1.99 each when you buy 5 or more Cultural Institute DVDs.
Picture of Cultural Institute: The Problem with Child Psychology with John Rosemond

Cultural Institute: The Problem with Child Psychology with John Rosemond

In the last forty-five years, the child-centered family has replaced the marriage-centered family.

Modern "experts" have been a wrecking ball in the area of child-rearing. In The Problem with Child Psychology, John Rosemond offers a fresh view of the family and the roles of parents. While revisiting "old-fashioned" methods of child-rearing and offering new ideas, Rosemond shows that parenting is really all about teaching children to think properly.

Approximate runtime: 48 minutes


Mix and Match: Save $1.99 each when you buy 5 or more Cultural Institute DVDs.
Picture of Cultural Institute: The Seasons of Parenting with John Rosemond

Cultural Institute: The Seasons of Parenting with John Rosemond

It can be a temptation for many parents to sustain a friendly relationship with their children over one of proper authority.

A misunderstanding of the seasons of parenting can lead to unnecessary difficulties in the home. In this video, John Rosemond demonstrates how a proper relationship between a parent and child, along with proper parenting and discipline, serves two great purposes: it honors God and benefits society.

Approximate runtime: 69 minutes


Mix and Match: Save $1.99 each when you buy 5 or more Cultural Institute DVDs.
Picture of Cultural Institute: Life is A Civil Right with Dr. Alveda King

Cultural Institute: Life is A Civil Right with Dr. Alveda King

America has a new front in the battle for civil rights — the right to live.

Dr. Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. explores the issue of abortion and related topics with the biblical perspective she received growing up under the influence of her uncle. In a day when the value of human life is in decline, these truths reaffirm the worth of all who are created in the image of God.
DVD; Total Approximate Runtime: 40 minutes


Mix and Match: Save $1.99 each when you buy 5 or more Cultural Institute DVDs.
$6.99 $5.99
Picture of Cultural Institute: Reaching Muslims with the Gospel DVD with Dr. James White

Cultural Institute: Reaching Muslims with the Gospel DVD with Dr. James White

DVD; Approximate Runtime: 67 minutes


Mix and Match: Save $1.99 each when you buy 5 or more Cultural Institute DVDs.
Picture of Cultural Institute: The Reliability of the New Testament with Dr. James White DVD

Cultural Institute: The Reliability of the New Testament with Dr. James White DVD

Author and professor Dr. James White invites you to listen as he lays out a definitive argument for the New Testament.

approximate runtime: 69 minutes

© 2016

Mix and Match: Save $1.99 each when you buy 5 or more Cultural Institute DVDs.
Picture of Cultural Institute: Choosing Good Leaders for Tough Times with Ken Cuccinelli

Cultural Institute: Choosing Good Leaders for Tough Times with Ken Cuccinelli

In this 2-session DVD from AFA's Cultural Institute, Ken Cuccinelli sets forth the qualities necessary for any leadership position - political or otherwise - and discusses the looming obstacles that face America in the years to come.

DVD; Approximate Runtime: 62 minutes


Mix and Match: Save $1.99 each when you buy 5 or more Cultural Institute DVDs.
Picture of Cultural Institute: Principles of a Constitutional Judge with Phillip Jauregui

Cultural Institute: Principles of a Constitutional Judge with Phillip Jauregui

Judges and courts play a vital role in determining the direction of our nation.

Throughout American history, there have been many damaging court rulings that underscore the need for quality constitutional judges. It is imperative that voters understand the role of judges and the purpose of the courts they oversee.

DVD; Approximate Runtime: 44 minutes


Mix and Match: Save $1.99 each when you buy 5 or more Cultural Institute DVDs.
Picture of Cultural Institute: When Ordinary People Stand in the Gap with Bryan Fischer

Cultural Institute: When Ordinary People Stand in the Gap with Bryan Fischer

In times of adversity, it's often everyday people who respond with courage and faithfulness.

DVD; Approximate Runtime: 38 minutes


Mix and Match: Save $1.99 each when you buy 5 or more Cultural Institute DVDs.
Picture of Cultural Institute: God in the Constitution with David Barton

Cultural Institute: God in the Constitution with David Barton

Our founding document, the US Constitution, is the most exceptional and unique in the world. Watch as David Barton explains the religious roots of the Constitution and proves God's presence in our Constitution.

Runtime: 42 minutes


Mix and Match: Save $1.99 each when you buy 5 or more Cultural Institute DVDs.
Picture of Cultural Institute: Worldviews: Behaviors, Beliefs, and Values with Alex McFarland

Cultural Institute: Worldviews: Behaviors, Beliefs, and Values with Alex McFarland

From terrorist attacks to acts of mercy, worldviews explain why people do what they do.

Runtime: 73 minutes


Mix and Match: Save $1.99 each when you buy 5 or more Cultural Institute DVDs.
Picture of Cultural Institute: A Biblical View of Civil Government with Stephen McDowell

Cultural Institute: A Biblical View of Civil Government with Stephen McDowell

In America, the reach of government has grown immensely over the past few years. Has it gone too far?

Approximate Runtime: 55 minutes


Mix and Match: Save $1.99 each when you buy 5 or more Cultural Institute DVDs.