During World War II, Rose and Odette Aboulafia, very real young Jewish sisters living in Paris, France, were murdered during the Holocaust. Gassed in the ovens of Auschwitz, their remains were discarded, their lives forgotten.
Almost 80 years later, Tori and Tilly Austin, fictional sisters in a small southern town, discover and unravel the story of the Aboulafia family. It happens through Tori’s school project on the Holocaust and brings life-altering changes to the entire Austin family.
About the Author:
Joy Lucius is first and foremost a reader—then a writer. She began her profession writing career as a freelance journalist and now is a full-time writer for AFA Journal, taking her love of reading in a whole new direction. Joy is happily married to Randy, her high school sweetheart, and has two grown sons, Jacob and Chris, and four grandchildren, Tyler Reed, Emma, Maddox, and Ella.