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Picture of Losing Cooper by J.J. Jasper

Losing Cooper by J.J. Jasper

Losing Cooper: Finding Hope to Grieve Well is a true story of hope in the midst of great personal tragedy.

Find hope and strength in the midst of grief from JJ and Melanie Jasper.

Publisher: Brett Morgan Publishing
Softcover; 187 pages
$15.99 $15.00
Picture of Moses Was A Basket Case Book by J.J. Jasper

Moses Was A Basket Case Book by J.J. Jasper

Back by popular demand from AFR's own JJ Jasper, the book Moses Was a Basket Case - Hilarious True Stories to Encourage and Inspire.

Softcover; 144 pages

Picture of My Life as a Half-Baked Christian Book by Tim Wildmon

My Life as a Half-Baked Christian Book by Tim Wildmon

In the everyday of the really unusual, Tim Wildmon can find intrigue, humor, and spiritual application. From a self-professed Mississippi redneck (but one of depth and sophistication) comes a tremendous collection of stories sure to make you smile, laugh, stop, and ponder.

Softcover; 238 pages

Picture of Our Call to Faithfulness: The Voice and Legacy of Don Wildmon

Our Call to Faithfulness: The Voice and Legacy of Don Wildmon

Selected Columns from AFA Journal written by Bro. Don Wildmon, edited by Rebecca Davis

Softcover; 101 pages


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$19.99 $12.00
Picture of Paper Genders by Walt Heyer

Paper Genders by Walt Heyer

Paper Genders debunks the glowing promises of gender change surgery and exposes the heart-breaking story of suicide and wrecked lives that the advocates would prefer to keep hidden.

paperback; 130 pages

$14.99 $12.00
Picture of Priceless Pennies: Rose and Odette - Unknown Children of the Holocaust by Joy Lucius

Priceless Pennies: Rose and Odette - Unknown Children of the Holocaust by Joy Lucius

Two sets of sisters, one set Jewish and the other Christian, are separated by decades in time. But they come together in one miraculous story of family, faith, and friendship.

Hardcover; 352 pages
