Our founding document, the US Constitution, is the most exceptional and unique in the world. Watch as David Barton explains the religious roots of the Constitution and proves God's presence in our Constitution.
America has a new front in the battle for civil rights — the right to live.
Dr. Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. explores the issue of abortion and related topics with the biblical perspective she received growing up under the influence of her uncle. In a day when the value of human life is in decline, these truths reaffirm the worth of all who are created in the image of God.
DVD; Total Approximate Runtime: 40 minutes
Judges and courts play a vital role in determining the direction of our nation.
Throughout American history, there have been many damaging court rulings that underscore the need for quality constitutional judges. It is imperative that voters understand the role of judges and the purpose of the courts they oversee.